Each time we return to that place of unity we hear ourselves

Recently, a beautiful human called Aisha said, “We are always either in creation, maintenance or destruction…  it’s a cycle. And when we listen, we can come back to the state of possibility… and return to being in creation”. Where might you be on that path at the moment?   I find that creation for me […]

We are limitless when we stop making it about ourselves…

Last week, I flew to the USA to take my level 1 teacher training in aerial silks. Aerial silks have been my hobby for many years, but since beginning this Alchemical journey in 2016, they began showing up in my intuition & I have now choreographed two aerial silks-dance pieces: one (Papyllon), I had the […]

The Masks We Wear

  Can you spot the difference in these smiles? In 2019, not long before covid, I made a dance piece called, “The Masks We Wear” on an amazing group of young people in Leeds… and looking at these photos reminded me of that title because (some) of these smiles look fake to me…   I […]

Intuition is a memory from the future…

My JOY musing today may sound a bit far out… but it has been resonating on my intuitive journeys of late! I propose that intuitions are memories of a possible future: a possible PathFor JOY… What if there are multiple futures depending on if (and what) we take action on (them) in the present? And […]

Binary thinking and why I think it is harmful…

Thank you for the birthday love beauties! I had a lovely time: an Ayurvedic massage, the final part of a Vedic astrology reading, a visit from my love and cooking and food adventures with friends 🙂 Meanwhile… the musings of the week were more on binary thinking (in fact all sorts of binaries)…   As […]

Why completing things changes us… and what happens when we don’t…

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done’ Nelson Mandela A teacher of mine recently said ‘completing things changes us’. I have been musing on this since and it resonates strong… I haven’t always been a completer… before alchemy, I struggled to finish things. As tension set in, I would become overwhelmed, start doubting myself, get […]

No matter if it’s 1, 2 or 5 star be the star that you are!

If I didn’t say it already, I am wishing you a wonderful 2024 and hope you had a restful close to 2023? This week I have been teaching as part of Enrichment week at The Place in London which has felt very heart full… But I have still been feeling a little discombobulated due to […]

Musings on Mauritius, Mary Poppins and Creativity, plus a NY gift…

I am back in the UK! On the plane back from Mauritius I watched Saving Mr Banks: a biographical film about Walt Disney collaborating with the author of the books Mary Poppins… have you seen it? The film moved me, because it made me think of my Auntie Sandra who passed away this time last year […]

What tropical island am I on and why… plus some important endings

So this week as promised I am sharing why I am here on a beautiful island… I am in Mauritius! And it is truly stunning: my first time here (and I wish you were here too!) Because this year, this (in my old illusion) eternally single being (ME!) created a beautiful new(ish) relationship! One that […]