The Goddxx Path

A 9-Month Coaching Programme to Master your Intuition, and step up to your highest creative potential

The Goddxx Path 2024 is now closed but you can put your name on the waitlist to attend a taster day & interview for 2025

The term Goddxx is one I created inspired by this Urban Dictionary definition: 

Goddexx: Noun. (1) a deity who is non-gendered, gender neutral, and/or nonbinary; (2) an intentionally and explicitly gender neutral term for any generic deity; (3) figuratively, someone who is awesome, admirable, attractive, powerful, highly skilled (at something), etc. in the same manner one might say “he’s a god” or “she’s a goddess”. 

I define a goddxx as someone who steps up to their (goddxx like) potential. That is their genius, their superconscious or their highest self, which transcends the polarity of male and female, which transcends gender, and all earthly binaries. So here is my own dictionary definition:

Goddxx: Noun. (1) A Goddxx is a person who leans in fearlessly to living their true nature and a life of joy & purpose.

This 9 month programme allows for a beautiful transformation as we deep dive in beautiful community to support you create balance, abundance, creative fire and willpower to transform from the inside out.The Goddxx Path helps you create your destiny and live a life of joy.

Clients have changed jobs, changed careers, quit jobs, built new businesses, transformed their income, profoundly boosted their relationship with themselves and others, met new partners, moved countries, and more!

The Goddxx Path is a 9 month programme that combines attraction and action to make a real difference to how you live your life. It sheds light on the illusions holding you back from experiencing JOY every single day.

I work with all the imbalances at each chakra, the enneagram and intuition to help you understand where you are not helping yourself.

I work with the ancient practice of alchemy (from ancient Kemet), to connect to the infinite wisdom of the universe and connect to your intuition.

I would love to help you to connect to your true purpose and to listen to the whisper of your heart!

Here’s how it all breaks down:

MODULE 01 & 02:

(Two months)

Coming back HOME to Ourselves: Burning through our Fears and Setting a good foundation and building our toolbox to create abundance. Coaching sessions to create your Land Of Plenty, teach you bridge work, go deeper with your values and alchemise money beliefs.

MODULE 03 & 04:

(Two months)

Connecting to our SACRED Self: Connecting to our pleasure, reawakening our joy, releasing the wounds, and stories, setting good boundaries and re-discovering our intuition. Coaching sessions to look at your archetypes, teach you circle work and get you set up with powerful spirit guidance.


(One month)

CREATE a life we treasure: Creating the structures, understanding where our beliefs hold us back from creating, Finding our Will and creating our choices for our future. Coaching to discover your DATS & Enneagram Number.


(One month)

Filling up our Cup so we can radiate HEART: Self love, connecting from whole, and a intuition deep dive. Coaching to realign from conflict to your Goddxx-Like potential and bridge work.


(One month)

Allowing our heart to SING: Communication, expression and speaking from whole. Coaching to explore and release fears around being you to the full and circle work


(One month)

Inviting our soul to FLY: Intuition work, Reawakening our imagination, Alchemising our thoughts to make Lemonade. Coaching on stuck and oscillating choices and intuitively finding what to work with together


(One month)

Connecting our GODDXX: Connecting, Spirit Guidance and planting seeds for the future. Coaching on a new Land of Plenty and a completion. Plus CLOSING CEREMONY: Completion and Naming Ceremony. 

In its fifth official year, this is a 9-month 121 & group coaching programme.

Are you a creative that knows your potential but just keeps running into difficulties, hurdles, Money Blocks, things just don’t quite turn out as you would like or have imagined?  

Or are you working in a job that doesn’t satisfy you but know that there is more and you are not reaching your potential? If so, you are in the right place! 

I am a creative that has been working with intuition and alchemy the past 8 years, and I bring this and my 20 years working in the creative industry to help you transform and overcome all of that stuff and learn how to hold the creative tension, the vision and work with intuition to create a life of JOY


Your space is only confirmed once you book & there are only 7-9 spaces available each year and we have sold out EVERY YEAR. If you are offered a subsidised spot, the offer will stay open for two weeks

This epic journey to JOY and it is interview only so please pop your name on the waitlist and when we re-open book in to have a chat with me about your journey. 

We will re-open for interviews in January and interview up until the 8th April before The Goddxx Path 2024 begins (check HERE for this year’s dates). Please note if you cannot attend your interview and do not cancel your session you will not be able to reschedule: including the following year).


Do You Offer Scholarships?
YES: We offer subsidized spots. Book in a discovery call to discuss
Do I Need to Sign Up Right Away?
There are a Max of 7 spots: Once they are full you can go on the waiting list for next year
What if I am too Busy?
The time commitment is two coaching sessions (one hour each a month), one Sunday session (The last Sunday of the month) and one evening (the 2nd Wednesday) of the month. If you miss a coaching session without notifying me 24hrs in advance you will forfeit your session (except in emergencies), but otherwise we can reschedule and any unused sessions at the end of the programme can be used afterwards (these must be used by April the following year). We film the Wednesday sessions but not Sundays (unless the whole group agrees) (This is because they tend to be very deep and transformational sessions).
I’m not sure I’m ready for this course, how will I know?
If this commitment feels too big why not consider Embodied Alchemy, purchase 6 coaching sessions or pop yourself on next year’s waitlist?

What are the dates for next year?

Check them HERE

The course involves the following elements:

Twice monthly 121 coaching sessions (18 sessions in total, working deeply into the themes of the course and using all the tools of alchemy) 

Once monthly Sunday Group Sessions (The last Sunday of the month) inspired by the chakras that take a deep dive into our stuff so we can transmute it and release it (turn it to gold) 14:00-17:30hrs UK Time

Once Monthly Alchemy Group talk (The second Wednesday of the month) that teaches the principles of alchemy 19:00hrs UK Time

The FULL Goddxx Path Online Course (from joining until your graduation 9 months later)

A toolbox of over 33 techniques to transform your personal and business life 

Lifetime early-bird price on all retreats 

A weekly writing session throughout the 9 months

Benita Nwulu: Goddxx 2021

“It’s such an honour and a pleasure to work with a woman with not only a varied tool box of resources but also the generosity to freely share them. Thank you for existing in this world!”

Monique Fourie: Goddxx 2020

“I am just loving Ella. My journey has been profound and I appreciate Ella for seeing my genius and holding space for me to see it too.”

What is a Goddxx?

Here is the Urban Dictionary definition: 

Goddexx: Noun. (1) a deity who is non-gendered, gender neutral, and/or nonbinary; (2) an intentionally and explicitly gender neutral term for any generic deity; (3) figuratively, someone who is awesome, admirable, attractive, powerful, highly skilled (at something), etc. in the same manner one might say “he’s a god” or “she’s a goddess”. 

Here is the Maya Gandaia Definition:

Goddxx: Noun. (1) A Godxx is a person who leans in fearlessly to living their true nature and a life of joy & purpose.

The masks we wear (My Story)

When I was taking freelance dance jobs in London, I felt the pressure of the jobs being more about how I looked than how I danced, and feeling replaceable: like there was no loyalty and they would drop me and move onto the next hot thing/new dancer fast. 

I was so eager to pursue my career, that I got into a survivor mode mentality: I lost respect or value for myself and often I would take low-paid jobs when I was overtired or that were really an inconvenience because I didn’t know where the next job was going to be… I was always trying to be good enough: and the more I was trying, the more I was faking it… I didn’t feel good inside: I felt like a fake and that my shadows (the aspects I was trying to deny) were radiating outwards… Even my smile began to ache because it too was fake (a mask)… 


Like a mirror of everything that was going on internally, everything around me began to crumble: my partner left me for a (younger, hotter, better?) dance partner, I lost the home I was living in, and eventually, many of those jobs dried up because my heart just wasn’t in them. I felt people could tell I was not shining brightly because I felt so awful inside… I felt like I couldn’t get away from any of it and all I wanted to do was be on my own because then I could be myself… or at least try to find out who I was… 

And so I began the processes shared on this course: a combination of intuitive practices (alchemy): of connecting to my fears, and remembering what my heart would love… as well as embodiment practices and really balancing my chakras. Instead of running away from the feelings I didn’t want to feel, I became curious about them, and I discovered and mastered the art of unlearning to neutralise my shadow (my ego/identity) and evoke my genius (my goddxx-like potential)…

At first like with anything new, I stumbled, but I continued learning the practices: and using them every day… every single day… until now I have a honed practice and the principles are effortless. 

That is what this course is: a honing of that journey: going inwards to find yourself so that you are not informed by external validation, but guided by your own sense of self and inner beauty.


The Goddxx Path has supported many wonderful humans to experience transformation in their lives. On my own path, I rediscovered my joy for dance and my love for my work as a choreographer. I use some of the techniques I teach on this course to transform how my team operates; working with divine feminine principles so the process is flowing and easeful: I actually get energised by my job nowadays… Most of all, I reconnected to my JOY & became friends with myself on my path…by integrating the parts of me I had been denying, I gained value: I now know my own value, and that is mirrored in the work I am offered and the relationships I form so that life now is a daily experience of magical synchronicities and miracles. 

This is what I will share with you on this course: techniques to alchemise all of the shadows and learn how to turn them into gold on a daily basis.

Transformation you will experience

1: Learn to complete 

2: Gain confidence in your identity as you realise that you CAN 

3: Feel organised and in control of your life 
4: Achieve your life goals and dreams 
5: Reach your potential 
6: Learn to express your needs and desires to loved ones and prioritise yourself first (thus also prioritising everyone else by showing them how to love themselves) 
7: Grow deeper in love for all in your life 
8: Grow deeper in love with your life 
9: Feel confident in yourself and have that radiate out into the world in all you do 
10: Love the life you are living and experience abundant success, growth and transformation

This course is designed to transform the energy of:

This course is about overcoming these obstacles in life (If you enjoy being in this energy, then this course is probably NOT for you!):

1: Not ‘completing’ on projects 

2: Being stuck in a cycle of poverty/not achieving success 

3: Feeling disorganised and overwhelmed 

4: Not reaching your potential 

5: Not prioritising your dreams 

6: Feeling frustrated or bitter that you haven’t chosen yourself in life 

7: Life doesn’t have (or has lost) the magic and joy 

8: You feel depressed or low 

9: You feel unconfident about your talents and your human being: you experience guilt, shame, envy etc 

10: You are not thriving in life

The Goddxx Path is a deep experience to lift the veil of illusion (our cant’s & our beliefs), to reconnect to our intuition, to release the fears, and to step up to our magic and true nature and purpose. You CAN have it all and I want to support you get there. 
This path does take slow steady commitment to change… and if you enjoy the list above, perhaps this course is not for you! But if you are ready, this beautiful community will support you create the balance, abundance, creative fire, and willpower to transform from the inside out. 
Clients have changed jobs, changed careers, quit jobs, built new businesses, transformed their income, profoundly boosted their relationship with themselves and others, met new partners, moved countries, and more!
The Goddxx Path combines the law of attraction and action to make a real difference to how you live your life. 
We work with all the imbalances at each chakra, and the enneagram to help you understand where you are not helping yourself, as well as the ancient wisdoms of alchemy, to connect to the infinite wisdom of the universe and connect to your intuition.