The Creativity Circle

The Creativity Circle is a FREE space for creative accountability. 

The Challenge: Joining online everyday for one week and spend that time creating ONE THING that you would LOVE!

WEEK 1: 19-23rd August 2pm-5pm UK Time. The person who attends the most sessions will win a copy of Journal to JOY

WEEK 2: 14-18th October 2-6pm UK Time. The person who attends the most sessions (plus the previous week) will win lifetime access to my course The SACRED Bowl Valued at £111

WEEK 3: 18-22nd November 2-5pm UK Time. The person who attends the most sessions (plus the other two weeks) will win one year access to my course Embodied Alchemy Valued at £1111

If you would like to join, please sign up for the relevant week below and you will even be sent the details of the opening ceremony and check in sessions along with all the zoom links and complementary materials

On the first, third and fifth day, there will be a camera on session with creative shares, completions, reflections and the cultivating of new energy.

All other Creative Circle sessions are cameras off, not as a workshop or coaching space but a warm accountability circle of high vibrational intentional loving creativity for you to create! 

In this space you can write, sing, dance, paint (whatever creative project you are working on) as long as your sound and camera is off on creative days!

All participants will receive a daily email to join and we will take your attendance.

All participants will receive an 11 minute Journal to JOY recording or PDF to prompt their weekly creativity.

All participants will receive weekly sounds to inspire creativity.


2024 dates:

Week 1: 19-23rd August 2-5pm UK Time:

Opening Ceremony 2-3pm on the 19th


Camera ON Creative Integrity Session 2-3pm on the 21st


Completion 4-5pm on the 23rd 


Week 2: 14-18th October 2-6pm UK Time:

Opening Ceremony 2-3pm on the 14th


Camera ON Creative Integrity Session 2-3pm on the 16th


Completion 5-6pm on the 18th


Week 3: 18-22nd November 2-5pm UK Time:

Opening Ceremony 2-3pm on the 18th


Camera ON Creative Integrity Session 2-3pm on the 20th


Completion 4-5pm on the 22nd 


Sign up for my weekly Sparks Of JOY

(full of intuitive offers & some giggles to spark creativity, empowerment & JOY!)