I am secretly just making it all up!…

I have been bemused this past few months choreographing around the country that sometimes people ask questions which suggest they think we have answers or have got it all figured out…

When we know I am making it all up… But really this is the secret life elixir! We make it up ALL of the time!

We as humans have this idea of having it all figured out…

But the truth is, we make it ALL up!

In fact anything that has been invented or created by humans had first to be made up!

When we can bravely and boldly step out without knowing how it will all happen, letting go of the need to know HOW but holding our vision (our End Result or Intention), magic happens!

And better yet, if we can go out into the world with awareness of our strengths and weaknesses and beliefs but without trying to fix or resolve them, or seek out others to fix or solve them….

THAT is when the magic happens…

So my elixir of the week is:

Make it up and boldly so!

What are you making up and where can you be bolder with that?