I AM the hero in this story not the side-chick!…

I write from my home this week (and full of Brazil saudades), with a Maya musing to offer you which began in a coaching session with a wonderful client and rippled across my trip as a theme. On Goddxx Path 121s, we often journey using the JOY, Illusion, Bridge work I explain in my book […]

I am secretly just making it all up!…

I have been bemused this past few months choreographing around the country that sometimes people ask questions which suggest they think we have answers or have got it all figured out… When we know I am making it all up… But really this is the secret life elixir! We make it up ALL of the […]

The universe is alive within you (& scientists proved it!)

Well here is a musing for you… I recently learnt (from Cristian Pataki via Muayuma Yese), that in 1957, Margaret Burbidge and other scientists published a paper which demonstrated that the atoms in our body (the nitrogen, the iron, the carbon) are traceable to cosmic crucibles deep in the centres of stars! And that stars […]