I AM the hero in this story not the side-chick!…
I write from my home this week (and full of Brazil saudades), with a Maya musing to offer you which began in a coaching session with a wonderful client and rippled across my trip as a theme. On Goddxx Path 121s, we often journey using the JOY, Illusion, Bridge work I explain in my book […]
I am secretly just making it all up!…
I have been bemused this past few months choreographing around the country that sometimes people ask questions which suggest they think we have answers or have got it all figured out… When we know I am making it all up… But really this is the secret life elixir! We make it up ALL of the […]
In our Wheel of Consent session I learnt that boundaries are clear intentions…
Happy Friday to you all the way from Brazil! Since we spoke last I worked a wonderful job in Italy and now am in Brazil to explore a relationship, connect to nature after a very intense work period, and as a kind of HOME coming on multiple levels… And today I am writing with more […]
I cried a well of tears this week realising when I don’t hold myself whole…
Grand risings from Italy! I cried a well of tears this week Partly because my beautiful students graduated! Because their show blew my mind! Because there were tears of Joy and grief at what the show meant to me! But the biggest tearful break through was understanding when I am not holding myself whole… […]
Embrace the mess: Creating is a messy process but underneath the mess there is magic!
How are you today? Today I am celebrating the closing of a singing course by Sam De La Haye which I signed up for because I have a choice (choices are explained in my Journal To JOY and are the basis of my JOY/Alchemy coaching work) to sing for JOY and create albums that inspire […]
If you make a sacrifice for someone you care about, it needs to be because you want to not because you ‘have to’
How are you today? What has been landing for you this week? For me, it is boundaries! The SACRED Bowl course opened this week, also marking the launch of the theme of the sacral chakra across both Embodied Alchemy and The Goddxx Path 9-month programmes (both of which have a strong focus on boundaries) and […]
Find out why we are leaving, why writing is the Act of Listening to oneself and how we can create using pelvic power…
I write late this week because (and also because I was busy!) it’s the end of an era!!! Yesterday, Ama Rouge and I released our laste episode of Powerup! Podcast on Sunday interviewing the wonderful Toni Giselle Stuart with, “Writing is the Act of Listening to Oneself” And it is Episode 70 of Season 7! […]
The universe is alive within you (& scientists proved it!)
Well here is a musing for you… I recently learnt (from Cristian Pataki via Muayuma Yese), that in 1957, Margaret Burbidge and other scientists published a paper which demonstrated that the atoms in our body (the nitrogen, the iron, the carbon) are traceable to cosmic crucibles deep in the centres of stars! And that stars […]
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up….”
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up….” Pablo Picasso How profound a statement? And in connection, this week, WOW! It was FULL of creative tension, moments of bliss, awe and wonder and literally having no idea if it would be possible to pull off each […]
In the past, I have noticed my ego was present when I lacked understanding/compassion/thought “I KNOW!”
Greetings and Grand rising! So I found my answer to last week’s musings! We had the first Goddxx Path Sunday session last week, and the theme is coming back HOME to ourselves and unlearning… and just hours before it opened, it all fell into place with beautiful clarity… And I realised… The more empty we […]