We are ALL divine on the inside,
This week on The Goddxx Path, we have been connecting to our Goddxx voice…
In my world, Goddxx means to be connected to pursuing my JOY, and choosing to be, or become, the highest and best version and expression of myself. Choosing our voice, Owning our shit, Being in service to our gifts and purpose,
This week, my Dad, (who has booked a holiday to celebrate a landmark birthday) said to me, “How can I justify going on holiday when these things are going on in the world?”
I found myself answering (intuitively) that keeping our hopes high in difficult times is important to be able to create change and to empower people… now more than ever… and then thought to myself… is that really true? And so all things HOPE became intertwined with my Maya musings this week… Why do we need hope now more than ever Ella? And does hope really help?
Well (let’s bring in the geeky facts now), according to my research, hope can help us manage stress and anxiety and cope with adversity.
Hope contributes to our wellbeing and our happiness.
Hope also motivates positive action.
Those with more hope have better physical health, better healthy habits, are more enjoyable to be around, and create bigger (and better) ripples in the world as well as living longer lives…
I am still unsure if I found the full conclusion to my Maya musing. Does this prove a connection between hope, and difficult times, and our own wellbeing? I don’t know… But I do know that having hope gives me motivation… and helps me to carry on doing what I do with love in my heart… and my current favorite artist (Face soul) thinks so too!
Here are some song lyrics (and a song) to give you some hope and a hug when it gets hard. Listen HERE (it is a beautiful one!) “All I need is hope when it gets hard
I also came across Snyder (a psychologist) this week, who says there are three components associated with hope:
And so, I ask you Goddxx… Do you know what you would LOVE (do you have goals or choices?)? Do you adapt and refocus whenever a fork/spoon/other distraction appears in the way of your journey to JOY?
If any of this resonates then I invite you to hit this OH MY GODDXX YESSSSSS link for a pinch of hope (no pitch no sale: although maybe a tiny bonus invite right at the end) (Let me know what you think of my surprise?)
Best regards, Ella “Maya Gandaia” Mesma xxx |