Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Recently, a beautiful human called Aisha said, “We are always either in creation, maintenance or destruction…  it’s a cycle. And when we listen, we can come back to the state of possibility… and return to being in creation”.
Where might you be on that path at the moment?


I find that creation for me comes from emptiness… because from there I return to whole… which instantly makes me think of the uterus (because it is an empty muscle: wow!)
Creation for me can also come from a new or different experience… or even seemingly from chaos… but I resonate with the need for stillness for it to percolate and the idea to birth… it is as though creativity has to have time and space to brew… like a cup of (Yorkshire) tea… the teabag (and the idea) needs to sit for the flavour to emerge… so maybe (like me this week in NYC), we also need rest, or to stare up at the ceiling, or roll out on a roller, or do TRE… or just to sit with ‘it’ for long enough for the clarity of our own HEART to emerge…
And this month has so much emerged!

A new course for Goddxx Path graduates called Goddxx Glow,

A sequence of 7 classes inspired by all of this work called MMM (Movement, Meditation & Mudra) which I recorded in NYC (and a little bit Yorkshire),

A rewrite/upgrade (the last one I promise because so much was clear this month!) of Journal to JOY

The Consciousness Conference and more…
Why/how did I create so much (whilst still having time to BE me in NYC?)


I believe that the energy/laylines of NYC activate my creative fire… coupled with all the new energy of training aerial silks for 8 hours for four solid days in Brattleboro, and all the Graham energy in NYC building some powerful navel energy…


But also necessary to fuel all that fire was the stillness… these ideas I birthed have been percolating a long, long time for them to fall into place now. And, to support their creation whilst in NYC, I took multiple walks… I rolled out my aching muscles daily… I meditated… I journaled, and I sat with myself… I even cried and released and danced out all the emotions… I feel all these things helped cultivate that magic…
And it resonates that I wouldn’t have been able to create this much without that stillness and reintegration of my whole self. Because in these moments of walking or rolling or sitting… I was also integrating… listening… and emptying of all the other stuff: getting back into no sense, releasing what I think I know, who I think I am, who society tells me I should be etc: so I can find my inner truth.


When I sit with myself, I come back HOME: I can return to a light heart… and that is the place where I believe we can connect to our true genius {first name fix}! This is where we connect to our pure spirit… our Goddxx-like potential.


Does it resonate?


I also wonder if maintenance is an inevitable phase. That we fall off, forget, or just become unable to maintain everything at times… Or even if suffering and failure and destruction are inevitable and necessary for us to know creation? To know how it feels to be in flow we must also experience polarities. And that from the necessary breaking down, something new is always born… for example in nature… we see new leaves and shoots always find their way through whilst other things are decaying…
But to the levels we are currently experiencing on our planet, my feeling is this level of destruction is not inevitable or necessary… it is arrogance and entitlement at its strongest. I seem to see that arrogance showing up in many places… institutions and old structures… and maybe that is because they are also breaking down. Maybe that’s another newsletter/story, but I see that it is all connected…
Recently, I have also been checking in each night with the 42 laws of Ma’at, and as I go through the list (read them HERE), I wish more of us could check in with the list (and with ourselves on a daily)… because it helps us to check in, and realign ourselves with doing the best we can…


So then my musing is… is it after all about choosing where we put our focus? Or is it that those who are creating so much destruction on our planet just need more time to sit and listen to the whisper of their own hearts? And then who am I to know (or judge) any of this if I am in no sense?


What are your thoughts?


Another little line passed on by the wise Aisha, ‘Death is closer to you than the jugular vein… As is the divine!’


I am sending love along with these musings!