Intuition is a memory from the future…

My JOY musing today may sound a bit far out… but it has been resonating on my intuitive journeys of late!

I propose that intuitions are memories of a possible future: a possible PathFor JOY…

What if there are multiple futures depending on if (and what) we take action on (them) in the present?

And intuition is like breadcrumbs… showing us the way? Did you ever have a sense of missing somewhere that you have not spent much time for example?

Is intuition a hint or a clue from our quantum field of pure potential (our Land of Plenty)?

What do you think?

In science speak, intuition comes from the subconscious brain, and has nothing to do with conscious working memory. It is what the mind apprehends before rationalising…

Whereas, our rational brain tends to ‘know’ based on past experiences: in my opinion these become ‘conditioned truths’: our experiences in the present are often swayed by our individual perception (or illusion) based on the past.

So if you were to let go of rational, let go of the past and connect to a state of awe & wonder informed by our connection to everything through all time and space… then what is your response? What does your heart say? Is intuition a memory from the future?

One thing I know is the more I honour my intuition, the more empowered and happier I become in all aspects of my life…

Maya Mentions
Star Guidance:
Meanwhile, I made a really cool Star Guidance Journal Practice this week inspired by adventures in Sequoia with the wonderful Kirsty Mckay, which is now uploaded on my website and for the first 22 that buy it (there are 13 left as I shared this on my stories last Sunday!), it is PAYF (50p and up) instead of the usual price of £11. Download it HERE (for this journal practice the invitation is to write three questions (usually in relation to your life) that you would like to gain clarity on… perhaps if you do it today one could be, “Is intuition a memory from the future?”


The Consciousness Conference:

If you are intrigued by intuition and want to know more, here is a date for your diary:

The Consciousness Conference is a three day event which I am cohosting with the wonderful Asia & Pinky. It will be three days of conversations on how to get tangible results using intuitive tools from the 22nd to the 24th March 2024 with an inspirational panel of experts from around the world.

Each speaker has achieved life-changing results using Alchemical tools & our Consciousness Conference is the perfect opportunity to learn how our experts did it, so you too can get real results following your intuition. Find more details HERE


Fireside Chats: After a very beautiful opening Grand Tour around Utopia, I decided to make this intimate experience monthly: alternating between the Grand Tour events, and Fireside Chats… This month will be fireside, and you can pay as you feel or buy tickets for £5 or £11. Sign up HERE