Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Today, Embodied Alchemy re-opens as a 9 week programme.

Embodied Alchemy is a container and community to balance your chakras, awaken your intuition and alchemise your emotions into creative flow… once you are in, you are in for life and this family is very special: some are doing the course for the fourth time because it is full of so much gold! On Wednesday we had a session and all of us on the call cried beautiful heart filled tears doing a bowing down exercise to raise our vibration and connect to our JOY.

If I were to try to describe Embodied Alchemy to you I would say its main role is to focus your energy into doing what you love… to build the habits to create the long term transformation. Energy can go in a lot of directions! And our identity can get very involved in sending that energy to all sorts of places other than creating: for example on procrastinating, worrying, and diverting into other things that keep us from shining as our brightest and most brilliant selves.

On Embodied Alchemy, you will learn how to channel it, heal and begin the deep work in intuition to realign with your purpose. 
This course is also about deep listening, healing, and turning all of the ‘shit’ to gold: to achieve your goddxx-like creative potential.
Sometimes you might look foolish (we have a whole section dedicated to getting over yourself but showing up messy but done doing whatever it is that gives you JOY: your JOY language might be painting, or dance, or singing or writing… but the first step to true expansive growth is just DOING IT! So we have a whole channel just for that!

During the course you will:
 👑 Master your emotions and learn how to channel them from psychological stress, arguments and procrastination into creativity using epic movement, meditation & manifestation tools

 👑 Transform Your Exhausted, Overworked, Underpaid (Illusion You) Into Abundant Master Of Flow & Creativity (JOY You)! 

 👑 Create The Structures, The Tools, The Unlearning, The Creative Inspiration, The Willpower & The Habits To Actually Make It Happen! 

Click here to read a few moments of magic and quotes from clients from the course HERE

So I invite you (for the last time this year!) to come and join our family. Once you are in, you have access for life to do the course as many times as you like until you experience the transformation. The real price is £1111 but until the end of ths year, the course is half price AND I am offering buy one get one free: so either you can bring in your bessie for free, or you and your bessie can spolit the price in two (this offer is only available until Monday though so act quick!)

Sign up at this link HERE… We will hold an opening ceremony at 7pm tonight & have the first official session (HOME) on Wednesday next week ❤️ 

I can’t wait to see you!

Biggest Loves,

Ella “Maya Gandaia” Mesma xxx