Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

I hope you had a beautiful closing to 2022, and also, if you did not, I am right there with you!

I do Christmas every other year… because of THIS 😊

I love it when Christmas feels full of love and JOY, but I find that if I do it every year… I start to feel obligated not full of Christmas cheer… And so instead of Christmas, I did Tithing (A term I learnt in Think and Grow Rich)… And what a privilege that I am able to do that! (Thank you!)

But this year took a few different turns, a few challenges and tests, a lurgy and despite opting for a different Christmas, that pressure to be JOYful led to my plummeting into a full-on pendulum swing on boxing day (which in my new edition of Journal To JOY I describe as a low mood in response to a high one: as we raise our vibration higher, we also have the potential to go as low). 

What I realised is that, whilst I have cried, and felt anger, sadness, grief, shame and all the emotions this year, I haven’t actually had a single pendulum swing in over two years! (WOW!)

My not having had a pendulum swing must be owing to the fact I have so many processes now to raise my vibration in difficult times, that I can genuinely look at what is going on and snap back out of it… 

But this time was different… I knew I needed to switch off from the world, be in the not knowing, and process in a different way, so I decided… this time I am just going to sit in the swing and see what I can find… and guess what? There was gold there! 

As I really sat with all the emotions, I was able to go even deeper inside, below, and heal from deeper things from my childhood, see beliefs to a new level and, once I was finally ready to crawl my way back out and back up to the higher vibrations (or in the direction of them at first), I realised I felt changed, different, new. 

So if you too have been through it at the closing of 2023, I am reaching out and sending you a massive hug , and to remind you that this too shall pass… 

Below I want to offer a few of the things I did to eventually raise my vibration back up to where I now feel full up, JOY-filled and excited for the adventures of 2023 (but without promises to improve or pressure to be JOYful: just excitement to enter into the unknown of 2023 as my perfectly imperfect whole complete big-hearted self!)

Here are some of the things that raised and reset my vibration for 2023:

  1. Playing the I want game (explained in my Embodied Alchemy course which starts on the 12th January 2023 and remains at 2/3rds of the price until the 12th January 2023!!!)
  2. Self-administered Sekhem (An ancient Kemetic energy healing modality similar manner to Reiki).
  3. Holistic Pelvic Care (a gentle, internal pelvic bodywork treatment which I was certified in during lockdown by pioneer Tami Kent) work (and crying and releasing and orgasming and healing)…
  4. Daily Yoga Nidra practices with the wonderful Ally Boothroyd
  5. Saying thank you out loud every time something I appreciate happened no matter how small
  6. Doing my daily Five Tibetan Rites (if you didn’t already claim your FREE course do so here) (even if some days my lurgy meant I could only manage 8 of each)
  7. Journaling (to JOY) each morning (because I know the power this has on supporting my subconscious process and getting my superconscious working in the background with the intuitive courses of action)
  8. Feeling all of the emotions and letting them move through my body (generally it really did only take 90 seconds of the strongest emotions before they began to pass), and then using Embodied Alchemy techniques to turn them into creative outlets.

And finally, for New Years, I booked a beautiful room with a spa and a hammam, and I did all the ceremonies, and treated myself as the absolute goddxx I am (to tell my subconscious and superconscious how much I love ME), and did a most EPIC completion of 2022 (which I would love to gift you to do too HERE)

How about you? I hope you had a beautiful closing, and, if you did not, I remind you that you are a goddxx! 

And that as above, so below, as within, so without: the work starts with you: all that you are reflected in is a mirror of your inner thoughts and thinking, so what thoughts and beliefs can you let go of in 2023 my beautiful heart? 

And I am super grateful to have you in my life. I hope we can create magic, healing and beautiful ripples in 2023!