Is Salsa a Martial Dance? And it’s not selfish it’s self care ❤️
What are we letting go of? What are we creating intuitively? 🦋 🐛 🥚 🌕
Interview with Love Ahimsa
It’s a summer of play! We got our project funding! 🦋 🐛 🥚 🌕
Do You Believe you are Possible?
Jellyfish and Burn Out
Interview with Diverse Minds
Interview with Yorkshire Dance
My PathFor being myself
I had followed the path I was told to: Going to university, applying for jobs, without really feeling in control of my destiny. Aged 25, I finally realised that the only time I was truly alive when I was creating, and that office jobs, and waitressing were killing my soul. What I truly desired deep […]
Chakra Balancing
It is my joy to be writing to you and I would love to invite you to join our facebook group Maya Gandaia is a concept for breaking out of the illusion and mundanity of living to survive to move to the highest vibrations of joy where we thrive and CREATE! We are all genies (geniuses’) […]