Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music” Friedrich Nietzsche

Happy Sunday beautiful heart!

How are you today?

It feels like winter is here and I am ready to hibernate and reflect on all that has happened in 2022…
I have also been thinking of how the Earth without Art is just… Eh!… and how important it is that we be the hammer: shaping the world as we want to see it… and using creativity as a tool for that… 

“Art Is Not a Mirror to Reflect Reality, but a Hammer to Shape It” Bertolt Brecht

I got back to Leeds from a week at the Warwick Arts Centre in Coventry (Thanks WAC & The Place for having us!) on Friday evening, having been working the past two weeks with the wonderful Akeim Toussaint, exploring a concept around divine masculine & feminine, and how our beliefs interfere with our showing up whole using Wing Chun and Salsa (inspired by this interview)… and wow it has been beautiful so far: what an incredible artist!

On our way home from work one day this week we found an epic setting and decided to film this video… but it turns out that others thought our dancing was dangerous (to societal norms?) and so three security guards and a woman on a bike had to come and tell us to stop expressing our hearts and leave the location 😂

The project is part of a commission with The Place for Choreodrome and has been a JOY. We have had guests Damien Ferguson and Gil Prado giving us masterclasses (which we have since been drilling), and at the end of the month we will have 10 dancers into the studio to see how we might grow the project next… watch this space… and follow this monthly update to find out more!

In other news…

I have been loving (and recommend) these Ashtanga classes (I am back on the second series hooray!) with Joey Miles… plus if you are in Leeds today, I am teaching a HEART workshop at Yoga Kula Leeds!

Embodied Alchemy and The Goddxx Path are going so well… in fact they have been absolutely heart full and beautiful… but we are nearly finished for 2022 (Oh my Goddxx)! The Goddxx Path finishes on the 18th December, and restarts on the 12th April 2023 (Exciting!) and Embodied Alchemy finishes on the 24th November and restarts in January 2023 (Also excited!). I am going to continue offering a big discount on Embodied Alchemy (£777 discount!) until this strange commercial big Friday sale (25th November!), along with all of the Thrive series in these different times.

PowerUp! Podcast Season 6 completed today (Catch it here)… and we haven’t decided yet… we know there will be a Season 7… but after that… we just don’t know yet if we will continue… what are your thoughts? Do you want more? 🤷🏽‍♀️

I would also love to invite you to the solo show of The Rainbow Butterfly to close this years creativity before hibernation… It is a show for 3-6 year olds inspired by transformation and hope in these different times and will be at Northern School Of Contemporary Dance on the 26th November. There are three time slots at 11am, 13hrs and 3pm (Book HERE… please note… all but one time slot is sold out!)

Finally… My book (Journal To JOY edition 2!) is nearly ready… it will be out next month (Waaaaah!) and there will be a big launch… and lots more exciting unfoldings in 2023!So how about you ?How are you staying creative in these different times?How are you keeping vibes high in-spite of everything? What are you closing down this year and are you ready for hibernation?What are you excited to create in 2023?

I really would love to hear from you 🙂

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday and thank you for reading!