Expression counters depression!

This is why my course (Embodied Alchemy) is so important:

To transmute the low feeling of depression we need to express ourselves (express our genius), in whatever form is most natural and true in our hearts.

In a world that is so full of turmoil, powerlessness and contradictions, it can be easy to feel silenced, contracted, suffocated and restricted… this is depression.

When we express ourselves, we are expanding outwards, releasing, letting go…

This is why we must dance, sing, write, move, paint… because we are no longer oppressed when we express ourselves in whatever form that takes.

I have found that I even channel those emotions of powerlessness or oppression: I alchemise them all into art from the heart… and why having a community choosing to show up vulnerably with their art: who have expressive accountability is one we can thrive in.

In these times more than ever, in order to raise the internal vibration we need expression…

Plus, in this energy, we can make change, create beautiful ripples, and inspire others with their own possibility.

Does it resonate? Does it inspire you to create? ❤️ 👑