What is a Goddxx?

The term Goddxx is one I created inspired by this Urban Dictionary definition: Goddexx: Noun. (1) a deity who is non-gendered, gender neutral, and nonbinary; (2) an intentionally and explicitly gender neutral term for any generic deity; (3) figuratively, someone who is awesome, admirable, attractive, powerful, highly skilled (at something), etc. in the same manner one might say “he’s a god” or “she’s a goddess”. Our goddxx-like potential is who we are outside of our identity. It transcends the polarity of male and female, which transcends gender, and all earthly binaries. It is our highest self, genius, superconscious, and soul truth. We access it by revealing the stories (our lead, our beliefs, our stories, and our fears) and by combining choosing it with intuition. So here is my dictionary definition: Goddxx: Noun. (1) A Goddxx is a person who leans in fearlessly to living their true nature and a life of joy & purpose.