Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

This week, I am reflecting on the Consciousness Conference…

On day three, I was coached by Arush Bakshi through my “Good girl” story and experiences of what being “bad” meant as a child.


The experience showed me a lot of new insights into the masks I wore growing up… and the power of how profoundly that story could have affected me (and did up until the moment after university when I finally chose to follow my heart (and the beat of the drum) and take up a career in dance)


I also realised there is another mask I have been wearing up until more recently: the one that was going so vehemently away from what I didn’t want (which was to feel constricted) that it rebelled and went for the opposite…


It’s still a journey to find my true heart outside of reacting to or being affected by the world: where I am truly creating in line with my heart and my soul’s purpose… but I am pretty confident that I am on that journey now… and I am so so grateful!


Arush Bakshi also helped me realise that we can be complicit in structures: even in a life that is not serving us… but that tools like the ones shared over the past three days can help us uncover how conditioned truths can get into our heads so that we can disrupt, and perhaps even be the revolution?


For me, revolution can also be resting, reflecting, creating art… creating beautiful communities (like the one we experienced the past few days), or even just being happy… choosing to live off the grid… or pursuing what we love no matter how many people might have told us not to go for it…


What are your thoughts on this?


And thank you Arush for your amazing session on Breaking Fate!


If you were at our Consciousness Conference what most landed for you? You can sign up for the VIP offer (and therefore catch up on the videos and have access to many many gifts) HERE
And I have many glorious pieces of news to share with you next week… but for now, below are some ways to connect over the coming weeks:

Today (the 31st March) I am holding a Goddxx Pathtaster day from 2-5:30 pm UK time, which includes learning how to use intuition, a bowing down ceremony & an intuitive chakra reading (which you will give yourself!) If it feels like something you would love to attend, hit me back a message urgently!


I am also leading an online pelvic bowl healing meditation tomorrow (the 1st of April) inspired by the work of Tami Kent which you can sign up for HERE

The glorious Adriana Rosso and Valdir da Silva are collaborating on a beautiful day of Brazilian dance in Manchester. Find out more HERE

I am teaching in Leeds again at Yoga Kula Victoria Quarter (A sort of divine goddess sacral awakening kundalini journey!). Last time we sold out so book your ticket HERE