Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

In these different times, I am finding that now more than ever, praying, tithing and creativity are important…

I went to see Wish this weekend on the recommendation (and for work research!) of my work partner Akeim Toussaint… and the most powerful message I took away was that it is our dreams that make us who we are…

“Do you know you’re a work of art?
Even in the deepest dark
If you really wanna know just who you are
You’re a star!”

And it resonated with this deep feeling that no matter how shit the world events may be, we must keep creating because dimming our light just makes a world which is in mourning even sadder and full of suffering… because the true antidote for suffering is LOVE…


Catch the whirlwind of my ‘tithing’ thoughts in my Facebook Journey to JOY tonight… but until then, I wanted to share a few EMC/MG creations and celebrations… and invite you to do your own… because a huge part of our own integration is telling our subconscious what we created and also acknowledging our true level and our hearts desire because… “You’re a star”

So this year… I created a lot! It may not have felt like it at the time… but this is what I created:

Three dreamy shows (Okan, The Rainbow Butterfly & Welcome to Our House), & the funds & time to make them the best possible versions of what I had made up in my imagination…

Time in Mexico, NYC, Italy, Portugal, Brazil and the UK.

Some awesome tba (to be announced) projects…

The fourth year of The Goddxx Path with 7 amazing Goddxxes & witnessing them stepping up to their magic.

Coaching (again!) with my dream coach.

Living in so many beautiful locations.

Meeting more of my beautiful extended family…

Feeling (at times) the fittest I have ever felt (plus a few injuries & healing them… and then a magic potion to heal backwards!)…

A second cleanse and learning so much about how MY body feels nourished, rested, and healthy (really being empowered to do it my way).

Graduating as a TRE instructor.

Going on a dance retreat, just for my JOY and having so much fun dancing and moving (reconnecting to my joy and passion for my chosen career).

Blasting through my choices and truly shifting out of oscillation and being stuck in any of them…

I am connecting to my joy in creating (art, song, fashion, writing etc) & making it up.

And connecting to my joy in relating to other humans… which brought me to now… about to fly to a tropical island beach location… which I will reveal and tell you more about in next week’s edition… as well as some huge landings I had during the making of Okan the week after!

But first…

How about you?


What have you created?

What have you learnt?

What are you letting go of/so over (no more of this please in 2023)?

What are you creating/putting the focus on next?

And finally… can you BIG UP yourself? (Can you acknowledge your awesomeness so your subconscious knows that you’re a star?)