Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

 “I’m not good enough to do that”

“Don’t bother trying”“They made a mistake” 

“People are lying when they say I am good” 

These were things that regularly went through my head in my first career as a dancer!

And things it took effort, and daily practice to unlearn.

Ella means complete, but for a long time I felt far from it! I have gained quite a lot of experience over the last 20 years of my career! And yet I still have huge bouts of self doubt.

I am eternally learning (Because I am a number four with a strong 3 wing: more on that soon!): in part because I always feel like I don’t know anything! I mean there is a lot to learn! But I also now now that whilst my belief may be sticking around and popping its head up often, it is in fact an illusion and I do belong and I am worthy!

And this is one of my inspirations for making my new imposter syndrome course!

There are 7 modules, which have been divided into particular areas of growth;

Understanding what imposter syndrome is

Understanding why we have imposter syndrome

Understanding the beliefs behind imposter syndrome Assembling the fundamentals of unlearning

Tools to unlearn the lead (The sticky stuff/the sh%t)

An alchemical toolbox

Even more tools to raise our vibration 

The course will be launching on the 14th March and I am so excited to share it with you! Do you have any of these unhelpful inner critic voices?

If so, I hope this imposter deep dive will be very fruitful!