Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

I’ve been working on my Imposter Syndrome course for the past year, and on Monday, I finally get to launch it! 

My mission since I started Maya Gandaia Ltd has been to help creatives and professionals step up to their greatness, by looking at all the stuff we can unlearn so we can actually do what we were born to do and what gives us joy in life.  

We are much less likely to believe we are possible, and are much more likely to experience imposter syndrome whilst on our Path For Joy if we don’t see examples of people who look like us, or people who share our background winning at life. I believe this work is also essential for long term change: to put more people who we would have loved to have seen succeeding when we were growing up in those positions of power and to see the good ripples that that creates. 

Everything I do within Maya Gandaia is with that in mind.And that’s why I’ve been working on creating this online course the past year: so we can all unlearn our beliefs and thrive at life and it comes out on Monday and oh my goddxx , I am so excited for you to have it! This little/big idea I’ve had in my head for the past two years has finally come to life, and I am so happy/emotional/relieved/excited/scared to share it with you!  


I’ve created this online course that teaches you (yes, you!) everything you need to know to unlearn your Imposter story so you can finally go for living life in line with what you LOVE!