Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Grand Risings  !  

How are you gorgeous one?  

Yesterday I enjoyed some much needed beach time with four dear girlfriends and it felt so yummy to talk about Nigeria & Orixás & Kemet & pleasure & laugh in the sea & enjoy a sunset with a fresh lemonade in my hand! Then tonight, I awoke with some intuitive wisdom and knew to do some of my HPC (Holistic Pelvic Care) womb blessing on the world… 

Like you, I’ve had many moments where I ignored my intuition and paid for it with missed opportunities or scary encounters or uncomfortable conflicts. 

But not anymore!

Now, no matter how weirdly fantastic, I follow that intuition! 

Why didn’t I just listen to my intuition? 

Maybe because I was raised by a rockstar scientist Dad(j) who trained me to follow my analytical, rational mind at all times… plus who told me (along with my Superstar language teach Mamãe) aged four that I would go to university (because both of them were the first to do so and I would follow in their footsteps) and in fact… studying Politics & Sociology at Leeds university whilst very interesting, was counter to my intuition (that was telling me to become a dancer despite having no previous experience… and we all know how that eventually turned out!) 

Maybe I didn’t listen because we live in a confusing, busy, overwhelming world full of so many messages, social media, adverts selling us the lifestyle we want, even films with the same happy endings… not to mention all the bad news of the world… it’s not surprising we live in fear: the world can be a scary place! 

It can be hard to hear that quiet voice of inner tuition… to listen to the whisper that is actually our superpower and to change those beliefs and unstick all the stuck-ness… 

That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to join me (and the many who’ve already signed up) for my brand new 7-week online course, Embodied Alchemy, which will offer Meditations to reclaim your confidence and vitality, Movements to clear your energy, Manifestation tips to live super consciously and connect to your JOY! 

It starts on the 22nd September, and if you sign up for this free moving meditation, well in a few days time we will give you a HUGE discount on the course. 

We’ll be delving into the core blocks that keep most of us from listening to (and benefitting from) using our intuitive wisdom, and I will be helping you to uncover and break through your own personal obstacles, so you have the inner strength and belief to go for what you would love (plus I will be offering some really beautiful tools to stretch our intuitive muscle and create structure, so the logistics and the ‘how to’ don’t get in the way of us living in flow)… and all that in a beautiful high vibe community! 

Even if you have done a lot of studying, practicing, and healing, we all have work to do to evolve and grow the intuition we need to navigate specific areas of our lives. 

When you unblock your intuition, you become more aware, more confident, and more empowered in your life.  

You trust yourself (no matter how strange!), and life’s beautiful unfoldings much more, and experience a life of synchronicity. joy and magic! 

Embodied Alchemy (that starts 22nd September and runs for 7 weeks) will help you to upgrade your intuitive wisdom easily and quickly, and we will have great fun with like minded creative people while we are doing it. 

So, in a world full of opportunities and so much awaiting your attention, I invite you to take a deep breath, to close your eyes right now, and ask your inner wisdom: and see if it says “yes” to this powerful opportunity to learn how to access your greatest gift… 

Is it YES to removing the remaining blocks to your intuitive superpowers? 

Is it YES, I would love to experience a high vibe, energy clearing moving meditation every week for 7 weeks to jumpstart my intuition! 

Is it YES, I could really benefit from setting aside one hour a week for 7 weeks to attend a live to talk intuition directly with you Maya (and give myself this opportunity for a life-changing upgrade in every area of my life!) 


Okay, you got it. Click here to sign up for Embodied Alchemy (And don’t forget there is that huge discount opportunity at this link too). 

See you on the 22nd!