Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

It has been a while since I wrote, so in case we haven’t said it to one another yet, happy 2022!
I am writing with a few bits of (I think exciting!) news…

Firstly, it has taken me so much burning through fear, self sabotage, procrastination and avoiding my greatness, but I finally made a Maya Gandaia newsletter (with freebies and downloads, tips to raise your vibration and lots on intuition, alchemy and all things Goddxx!) and I want to check if you want to hear about it?
Second(ly), Ella Mesma Company will continue to send out news about the company, shows etc on average once a month, and I want to check if you would like to hear about all things dance (like in person and online shows and experiences plus company wins)?
Thirdly, the Imposter Syndrome Course I have been working on the past year is nearly ready! It will be released on the 14th March, with 11 very special free spots and 11 spots which are subsidised at £11… would you like to win one or know more about the course?
And fourth(ly?) (But most importantly?) PowerUp! are one!!! I would love to invite you to enter our latest PowerUp! Podcast competition. To celebrate our birthday, we are giving one of these very gorgeous sweaters/jumpers/swumpers (you decide) created by our latest PowerUp! Podcast guest Dr Sarah Webb who will be appearing today!!! to talk all things colourism (an extremely important topic!) (Link here) Plus we have asked for a birthday wish over on our instagram too so please indulge us!
To enter the competition;

1: Find and follow us @powerup.podcast on instagram
2: Tell us in the comments if you think this image is a swumper, a jumper or a sweater 
3: Tag a friend to ask what they think
There are no limits to how many times you can enter, as long as you have completed all three of the required stages for each entrant
We will pick winners at random using Woobox next Sunday 7th February 
And fifth and finally, do you remember The Getting Better Box? In lockdown 1, I wrote a newsletter every week inspired around ways to offer relief in these different times inspired by the concept (created by my awesome Mama when I was a very small person). I have since developed a new take on The Getting Better Box which combines different types of performance, art, creativity and post boxes! And we canny wait to invite you to a show later in the year!

Sending you all my love, hugs and magic at this different time! ❤️