The first one is me two months after starting this journey (with some of my breaker friends)…
Then the next (the one in the middle) is one from just before I started the journey. Now I invite you to use your intuition as you look at that picture… what is obvious to you? Do you feel the tiredness? The lostness? The wounding? I was feeling pretty broken in that photo having just broken up with my 3 year partner and been told I needed to move out of my home in London…
Then the final one there is me in January 2022 having just turned 40, and been doing my Tibetan Rites (which I will be telling you more about soon) for only two weeks…
And… as you can see, I have not aged much… but my quality and satisfaction of life has changed A LOT!
It was like a weight was lifted when I started to see where my belief was getting in the way of my true self. Everything changed: from where I live (I moved out of that London apartment in search of a new life and ended up in Lisbon, with a vision that I am working on to spend my year in three different places a year), to how I live, to how much I earn… everything is upgraded x100!!
But still… Alchemy is not for the faint hearted!
Reasons being on this Alchemist Path can be sh%t include:
1: The pendulum swing can be emotionally tough if you don’t have the tools to work with it
2: Knowing your shit doesn’t help the situation if you don’t have the correct tools to manage the psychological tension (especially at first or without an accountability partner)
3: If you don’t have a community also working in this way, it can be a lonely Path!
But… now I am on the flip side, having learnt the tools and created the community, I can honestly say it is all so worth it!… it’s like Neo with his red pill… I wouldn’t go back to life before Alchemy no matter the battle of evermore…
I call it a PathFor Joy, becuase it is a life long journey and dedication to unlearning, to the creative orientation and to living in line with our Goddxx like potential.
Since I stepped on to this PathFor JOY, I was determined to make it work, and I practised every day, and I struggled… it wasn’t easy without my accountability partners or community… but WOW what a transformation!
Honestly I don’t recognise that person in the middle photo anymore, but I do feel all of their pain and struggle and I am so glad I stood up for them and looked out for them by making a commitment to living my truth.
And do you want to know what had the biggest impact on my life transforming?
Journalling: Doing my daily choices and sifting through my sh%t!
So much so I wrote Journal to JOY, to help others get on the Path too…
And here is the secret: No matter how hard it gets, all you have to do is keep doing it, keep using the formula, keep putting the red tincture on it!
You don’t need to resolve the tension of our identity (more on that soon),
You just keep connecting to your vision, to what you would love!
And slowly, little by little, your whole life transforms!
So whatever you would love to create, wherever you feel you are not aligned with your Joy, I am here to remind you to just keep swimming, to maintain your focus, and to look at your sh%t every day! (You’ve just got to know how to look at it!)
So… in conclusion…. do your daily choices! Not sure what those are? Grab your copy of Journal to JOY here and dive in!