Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Oh my goddxx! 

Honestly I nearly pulled the course on Sunday night because that pesky imposter voice started creeping in to say 

“I’m not good enough to do that… don’t even bother trying… they’re all going to find out you’re not…” 

But then I caught myself… 

And said 

“Hang on a minute Ella! These are the Maya Gandaia teachings… This is where you get to put all this work into practise… This is where you get to practise Alchemy! This is where you get to overcome your imposter syndrome so you can THRIVE at life!” 

And so THRIVE: Overcome Imposter Syndrome So You Can Thrive At Life is now on sale  

You can spread the love by buying a course, gifting a course or sharing the course with someone else who may be living with Imposter Syndrome. 

I am super grateful for it all: thank you for sharing! Thank you for caring! 

And I am so excited, scared, but leaning in fearlessly to the magic that this adventure brings! 

Biggest loves ❤️