Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Happy Leo season and grand rising this Sunday beautiful!

Leo season is said to be all about finally being the person you have always wanted to be, and I don’t know about you, but I see this all around me: clients, and friends finally stepping up to take drama courses, or pursue dreams of becoming a comedian, to compete in the next olympics, to finally leave their job to become an artist… it’s a beautiful unfolding to witness!

I have been reflecting on my own journey to becoming the artist and human I am today too, because last week, I returned to London to perform at The Place’s family day. The Place is where I studied back in 2009, and it was a tough time for many reasons, but at the core of all that happened to me then was a not belonging belief. Last week I found myself in a beautiful Embodied Alchemyritual as a completion and healing of that time because I realised I am not that Ella anymore: I have so much more value, self worth and I know my own power: I know and love myself!

If you too have experienced similar beliefs, you have until midnight tonight to sign up for THRIVE, my imposter syndrome course before it goes up to £111 (it is currently £33).

THRIVE is an online course to support creatives and professionals (or those wanting to be the artist they know they really are) to transmute our beliefs so we can fully enjoy life and our gifts and talents without self sabotaging or believing we are not good enough. 

THRIVE is a course to come back to your creative, and learn how to manage not belonging beliefs. The true art of Manifestation is not merely a function of knowing what we want and making a wish, it involves knowing ourselves at the level of dysfunctional behaviour: knowing our beliefs so that we can build bridges and structures and take action to refocus our attention on the higher: on what we would love. Once you sign up you will have lifetime access and can do the course in your own time. I will pop into our facebook group with monthly lives, and I would love to see you there goddxx!

In other news, yesterday was my footie-versary! Three years ago yesterday, I stepped through a pane of glass. What unfolded over the next 23 hours and then 6 weeks though was surprisingly alchemical: I made epic lemonade from that miracle, and it taught me all sorts about not naming things that happen as good and bad or right and wrong but as opportunities and invitations to listen to the whisper of our soul. (Read more here)

And this week was the last show of an epic tour of the UK and we were SOLD OUT! We have had an amazing time shaping this beautiful show for young people from 3+ in Bristol, London, Leeds, Darlington and Thirsk and wow what a journey it has been! In this time, Ella Mesma Company have learnt so much about outdoor work, about best practise, about making interactive experiences.

I have also improved so much as a dancer (feeling I am finally really back in my body since lockdown times, but with the added growth that my work with intuition). That has led to beautiful discoveries from inviting in the audiences I would love to engage into the rehearsal process, to channeling the great mother (Mother Earth) as I wrote the story of Maja, and to a daily Embodied Alchemy practise. I am definitely stronger & wiser for this opportunity, and I just want to thank everyone who has come through to watch the show, to offer feedback, and helped me with a (very very heavy 🐘!) bag (or two!), and generally made the past two months so magic!

Finally, if you are in the UK next weekend, I invite you to come and join me for an epic summer event! Join me for Yoga Kula’s Summer Day Retreat at the Harewood Estate. This Summer Day Retreat is inspired by the sacral chakra and energy of the pelvic bowl area. (Find a 15% discount code for the event for my Maya Gandaia and EMC famliy here!)

The sacral chakra is the seat of our intuition, and this summer event will explore connecting to our own pleasure, reawakening our joy, releasing the wounds and stories of the past, setting healthy boundaries and re-discovering our intuition: Our sacred selves.

It is said that dressing all in one colour balances the chakra of that colour and boosts the size of our aura, so we suggest for this day to adorn yourself in orange in this sacral balancing journey to experience a deeper connection to your own chakra and also to cultivate a collective power within the group (you could just wear one orange item or bring something orange colour with you). 

Chakras are powerful energy centres, invisible to the eye, that are connected to the endocrine system. In a healthy body, these energy centres revolve at great speed allowing our vital life force energy or prana to flow upward through the endocrine system. Each chakra is represented by a different colour and element at different points in the body (find out which of your chakras is out of balance with our quiz here).

This Day Retreat offers beautiful way to shine a light on to our truth, foster a deeper awareness of ourselves and what we really want from our selves and our lives, heal imbalances which may be holding us back and open up to our unique power.


Vinyasa Flow 
Delicious Food
Outdoor Meditations 
Fire Ceremony Flow 
All Yoga Levels Welcome!

Have a beautiful August beautiful souls!