Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Today am flying back today due to some sad news, and I wonder if we all need a pick me up in these different times? So I am writing with some invitations and celebrations to reflect JOY today… Here are a few from me…

Firstly, it has taken me so much burning through fear, self-sabotage, procrastination and avoiding my greatness, but I have signed up for an epic year coaching with my superhero teacher William Whitecloud (Waaaah!) and, I will also be facilitating on Superconscious (A free course on intuition) and CYD and Mastery (with David Kasarek) for him this year (on the US Team)… let me know if you want to know more or links to sign up to any of these?

Second(ly), Ella Mesma Company have our first show of the year happening very soon (on the 11th February) in Leeds (link HERE)

Thirdly, I have been working on a load of epic courses of the past year and all of them are ready! See the full line up (there are things from £11 up) HERE

Fourth(ly?) (But most importantly?) PowerUp! are two!!! I would love to invite you to enter our latest PowerUp! Podcast competition. To celebrate our birthday, we are giving away one blissclouds yoga mat to one lucky winner! Find out how to enter HERE

Fifthly, I am also doing a Journal to JOY competition to win a journal to JOY. Find out how to enter HERE, and am currently planning book launches in April in both Leeds & London with my chorepgraphy partner Akeim Toussaint (who has also just published his first book!)

And sixth(ly?) (and finally) do you remember The Getting Better Box? In lockdown 1 & 2, I wrote a newsletter every week inspired around ways to offer relief in these different times inspired by the Getting Better Box concept (created by my awesome Mama when I was a very small person). Then I developed a different take on The Getting Better Box which combined different types of online performance, art, creativity and post boxes! And this year, I canny wait to invite you to a new show inspired by this later this year (please cross your fingers and toes we get the funding for this one!)

So, if that inspired any magic, hooray! If not, I am sending you love, hugs and big heart wishes too…

And an invitation for reflection based on my own journeying this week (please write back with your answers I love them the best!)(And my favourite place to do my journalling recently is in a beautiful cafe for a change of scenery and a dose of self-love: how about you?) 

  1. What is your go-to in stress (do you fight, flight or freeze?).
  2. What are your top ways for being yourself back down to relaxed?
  3. And what is your favourite(est?) way of all for truly relaxing switching off and coming back HOME to yourself? 

(My answers are: 

1: Freeze. 

2: Long deep breathing (Kundalini styles) and closing my eyes for a minute. 

3: Sitting on the ground has such a profound relaxing effect on my body (so much so I have bought my first-ever grounding sheet (which is waiting for me back home in the UK), so I will get to give you the lowdown on how it works next Sunday!)

Sending you all my love your way!