Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Greetings and Grand rising {!firstname_fix}!

How are you? I didn’t write last week because so much was happening!

There was the SOLD OUT Goddxx Path launch

There was Embodied Alchemy (Our first session starts on May 17th so you can still join us for the next 9 months but we held the opening ceremony!)

There was the launch of The Creativity Circle

There was our Book Launch: My Word, The World & A Journey to JOY

And there was The Rainbow Butterfly! In week one I was joined by three new performers, and in week two, we all had the absolute pleasure of working with Adam Carver from Fatt Projects as part of our care plan for the company. 

It was a joyful and care-filled deep dive into how to support the company with the bias they may experience, as well as the grief that can come from making a piece of work you would have loved to (but didn’t get to) see when you were a child.

So I suppose I needed a moment of stillness last Friday…

As I do now… in fact, my plan for the weekend is to mostly (apart from our first Goddxx Path Sunday session) starfish (lie out-stretched on my floor) and process all the magic that has unfolded this month!

But here is some things I am journeying this month: 

Making it up: the true art of creativity is in making it up… I am so deep in this revelation I am offering a practice session in the art of making it up (and proudly so) for the Natural Success community. 

This week I giggled that my amazing team ask me questions and don’t realise I am actually just making it all up… I revelled in the magic in this… because I realised when I make up the results I want to create I also bring them into manifestation! 


I also realised that most truly wonderful human creations did not previously exist (eg the lightbulb, the underground railway, music compositions etc…) AND YET… 

Can you believe we live in a culture where people who “Make things up” are often frowned upon? 

Somehow this realisation got me feeling very carefree… 

I lost my self-consciousness around singing in public (many of you know this has been something I have been oscillating within my choices work!) 

On Saturday at the Book launch, I sang in public! 

And I felt so free! I realised there was a connection between my no longer needing approval and this freedom. 

But then, after all the wonderful work with Adam Carver and such deep processing as a company, I got to reflecting on the bridge between being free of caring what others think of us, and thus more able to express our truth, our joy, our creativity, and whether our caring is what makes us sensitive and empathetic to others?

Can our living by our truth hurt others? 

For example, and in particular I find this question connects to our living in a world of inequality. 

Can our words still hurt and harm when we are in the creative orientation? When we are free from caring? Can bias still be present when we are in our hearts? 

Or is it our ego sneaking in if we do cause harm in these high and creative moments? 


If we are in our heart will our actions always be in love and thus spread only love?

Then the wonderful Sarah Warburton got me onto researching the cognitive orientation vs the creative orientation and beginning to understand where and why my critical thinking can sometimes bring my creativity to a halt

And yet at times feels so essential in checking in and inspecting where care intersects the work I am making up. 

My thoughts are this is where the journey of unlearning bias (of all forms) is so important because if we are doing it alongside our creative journey, it can allow us to extend greater depths of creativity without needing to drop out of heart and intuition to assess the inclusivity of the work…

Perhaps these are deep thoughts for a Friday… But I would love to hear your thinking?

My thinking is unlearning bias is deeply spiritual work…