Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

“To know who you are at heart, to know what you’d like to at heart, to know how you’d love to create it … that is Genius.”

William Whitecloud

It was a JOY to receive my accreditation for this epic 8 year journey in alchemy from the one and only William Whitecloud this week!

In 2014, I followed an invitation that led me to find alchemy via a teacher called William Whitecloud.

Training with William was difficult in many ways and because in my belief, he embodied authority and he was a mirror in that he showed me my many beliefs!

But the learning and the growth and expansions I have made from doing this work is so powerful that even back then I made a promise to myself to go deep no matter what to study all the way to becoming a coach of the work, and to look at my beliefs and the lead no matter what, so that I could undo the thinking patterns and beliefs that I had created as a child.

I am eternally grateful for how my life as unfolded as a consequence.

Thank you William it’s been life changing