Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Greetings and Grand rising !

How are you today goddxx?

We are about to begin today’s Goddxx Path session all about the HEART!

Today is a shorter blog… I have some questions for you about my posts… I think they are pretty fun questions and it should take you about 5 minutes to reflect and answer…
Plus if you fill the form in, I will give you BIG discounts on Embodied Alchemy!

Which starts on Thursday!

Embodied Alchemy is a 7 week course for professionals who would love to be more creative or creatives who would love to be more professional!

If you would like a life upgrade: becoming a master of your art, boosting your salary & taking that brave leap into the unknown to do what you love, this is the course for you!

We will offer you the structures, the tools, the unlearning & the creative inspiration and willpower to actually make it happen, without having to fake it till you make it, be a starving artist for the rest of your life or sacrifice your values for success (wahoo!)

Sign up here

And have a beautiful Sunday beautiful heart!