Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

You can do whatever you would love if you listen to the whisper and follow your heart over your circumstances and ideas about your possibility!

It was super exciting to teach my first aerial intensive this week, with a focus on all things The Rainbow Butterfly at a big London dance conservatoire.


I found it powerful to have the opportunity to share a little nugget of my alchemical journey, or a journalling practice, or a story for the day with the students.


On day one, it was an absolute JOY to read my new book (The Rainbow Butterfly) to the students with the physical book in my hand (hooray!)


And on the final day, I shared a story which may well resonate for you too!

I went to the very same dance school where I was teaching aged 25 (very late to become a dancer having studied politics at degree level), to study for a postgraduate diploma (which if I did well enough with my grades I could turn into a masters later), but was suggested by the then head of year that I consider a career as a dance journalist and give up on my dream of becoming a dancer due to my age and ability… 


Some years later, a bit after starting alchemy, the same teacher came to see a show I was curating at one of the biggest London dance theatres, having recently returned from touring the USA with a big London company. She was so delighted by my creations that she bent the rules to suggest I come back to the same school to do my masters after all (which I did: so I now have a masters in dance!)


The moral of the story?


If you are letting other people’s (or your own) projections or circumstances dictate your outcome, here is your reminder that “you can be anything you want to be and the universe is alive in YOU! You can be a shining star! You can be a dancing astronaut! You can even be a rainbow butterfly that flies all the way to the moon!” (Also a line from my new children’s book! 🦋)