Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

I have been thinking “I should write”…”I should post”! But I don’t believe in “Shoulds & Shouldn’ts”, I believe in , “desires” “wants” and “would loves”… so I have been hibernating… and listening for the whisper of inspiration to strike


Instead, I have been in a bliss cave of love and rest until out of rest came excitement and completing on some big things…


Some of those things that have been on my to do list for over a year now, and some things that have taken me up to 5 yrs to fully build!


For example, I finished building the courses of Embodied Alchemy, The Goddxx Path & Goddxx Glow: around 1111 lessons in total!!!


I completed the new Journal to JOY (the FINAL new improved edition (edition 5) at its best!)… which should  be OUT next week… or maybe even now as you read this!!! (If you love what I do and can support by buying or gifting a book it would be so appreci-loved: I would love to make it to a bestseller list!) I am on Amazon HERE


And, at the end of the month, we transition from the second to last module of The Goddxx Path 2024 (FLY) with a beautiful cohort and powerful breakthroughs in the themes around Glass Ceilings & personal power… into the final module SPACE!


So some big things and it feels like a most satisfying orgasmic sigh of release to be crossing all of this off and completing on what I said I would do many years ago!


Especially as we fly to Mauritius next month for our honeymoon 2!


And as I am going through this a big transition in life…


Tomorrow we have our legal ceremony, and officially put on our wedding rings! And I just finished writing my vows.


Marriage so far (5 months in) has been a pretty glorious bubble… we have been learning how to best communicate and express and navigate our lives together… and I have been loving being in the energy of giving and receiving after so many years of being single and going solo.


Like many, I had a visceral response to the “powerlessness” of knowing the world is about to experience four years of Trump, alongside all my feels about the ongoing genocide in Palestine… 412 days now! 😢


So all of this also led to a feeling of apathy and wanting to hibernate. I decided to follow what was true to pause and rest in this little love bubble as I listen to my inner tuition…


The biggest transition in doing so was this sense of calm… realising I am (and always was) whole and complete… which has meant I could stay connected to my BLISS and ISNESS!


I realised that there’s a different and truer way for me emerging in this time of wintering… one that is more more slow, more intuitive and held gently…

And from this place of wholeness…  there has been an even more effortless flow of clients and love and life and nature and community…


And as I cocooned, I realised how much more time I have had to WANT to create having coming from a place of rest… and suddenly, I have also been enjoying a bubble of completions…


And of sending love in more intimate community spaces which have felt so beautifully nourishing…


And in this unfolding, I realised that a big part of my not completing sooner was also about the need to rest…


I remembered that the first phase of living and creating by intuition is to come back HOME to myself: to find the inner balance so I could listen to my whisper, see the illusion and imagine and connect to the life and future I really want to create…


And as I did so, I experienced this immense feeling of surrender… and new boundaries and obviousness about what is and is not true for me right now…


So these are my landings this month:


1: It is ok to sit with the tension and not know

2: Self Compassion and self love are my friends

3: I am perfectly imperfect in my wholeness

4: Right now I don’t need to have all the answers

5: But I do know what is true for me and I choose to honour that❤️


Do they resonate (first name fix)? What is landing for you of late?


With all the 💩 going on in the world my loves, I would love to remind you that rest is your friend… And that exhaustion is not a normal way of living…


And that you are whole and complete exactly as you are!

Thanks for reading and I send all the love!

If you fancy connecting this month, we have a show (The Rainbow Butterfly)

in Cambridge on the 30th November at Christ the Redeemer Church, Newmarket Rd, Cambridge CB5 8RS: I hope to see you there!