Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Greetings !

I usually write on a Sunday, but this Sunday, I was so exhausted from a night flight from LA to NYC that all I could do was lie in the lobby and wait for my room, and then (once I got into my room) sleeeeeeep! So much so I didn’t know where I was or what time it was, or what way around the room was when I awoke! 

I have been in Sequoia spending a week with William Whitecloud, my mentor and magician in the art of intuition. When I was accredited to coach in his work earlier this year, he also invited me on this retreat and I just knew it was a whole body YES! 

And so, to LA I flew, and over the past seven days, I have had the pleasure of practising old and new intuitive practises (including one I would love to share with you this evening), and connecting with Mother Nature… 

This evening, as part of the Krya Tivity retreat happening at the end of October, Ofelia Balogun (dancer), Alexandre Paulain (ayurvedic food & massage) and I will be online at 9pm BST sharing a beautiful new intuitive process (land readings) and talking about our retreat. The even is free and you can join HERE (Just click on the link to show up)
Topic: Krya Tivity Zoom Session
Time: Oct 3, 2022 09:00 PM LondonJoin Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 6066 9955
Passcode: 904055
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One strong message I got from the land in Sequoia was, “Stand Your Ground”. I wondered, what are your thoughts on Standing Your Ground? What do those words mean to you? 

For me, standing my ground is about standing for what I believe in: my values. 

It is also about resilience & strength & connecting to & honouring nature & Mother Earth 🌍 

The origin of the phrase “Stand Your Ground” is from the indigenous peoples of America: it is said that people would literally stand their ground in war, in enforced relocation & genocide tying themselves to one spot & refusing to move or stand down from protecting their land to the white supremacists who felt it was “right and honourable to use any means under God’s heaven” to get “their” land. 

You can feel the magic and sacred energy of the land in Sequoia, but also the sadness. 

As I intuitively spoke to the land in Sequoia and learnt insights and wisdom into my next steps & where my beliefs have created a glass ceiling for my possibility, I also found myself weeping for the land & its people… and it too made me reflect on places around the world where we are not honouring the land and its people today. 

So ?… what are your thoughts on Standing Your Ground? Does this phrase connect you to your values? What do these words mean to you? 

Oh and ps… this week’s PowerUp! Podcast with Tie Simpson was EVERYTHING! Listen HERE