Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Hello from Maya Gandaia!

Thanks for joining our mailing list: this is the first of our monthly updates, and in this one we will be sharing our most exciting news:

Our New Years trip to the feminine: the beautiful Chiang Mai in Thailand.

Say YES! to 5***** bedrooms because we are worth it!

Yes to freshly cooked ayurvedic food each day!

Yes to getting in touch with our creative selves with yoga, with PathFor workshops, with meditation, with nature, in nature, in the feminine, in Thailand, because we are most powerful when we are in touch with ourselves and we all have a powerful creator within us!

1:1 Coaching

We have also made a promise to our subscribers to offer a free 1:1 to chat about what you would love to create!


Fancy trying Kundalini yoga? Drop Ins are still available to my Chakra inspired series here

Path For Series

Plus the Path For series are back: Click here to read about our next session which takes place in Leeds on the 17th August.

Path For Retreats
We would love to invite you to our PathFor retreat to Thailand to find your true creative joy!

December 29th 2019 to Sunday January 5th 2020
Spend your NYE in Doi Saket in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Set in a beautiful 5 star home stay with lush trees and flowers and grounds and a beautiful swimming pool

Maya Gandaia and the Path For retreats are about shining a light on the illusions we have made up so we can step into and create from pure joy

We ALL have immense power when we create from joy

We are ALL pure creative spirit.

We are happy to offer you an early bird price of £1500 booking a shared room (available until Friday 15th August)
Not included are flights, insurance, more than two massages, and any alcohol)
(There are also opportunities to book at a later date without the Earlybird price).

We have 9 places available (of 11) spots to this beautiful 5* homestay passing 7 glorious nights with a beautiful community of creative souls!

We are planning a full timetable with Morning Meditation, 1 Yoga session and 1 Path For movement meditation every day.

There are also excursions including to the mountains, waterfalls, Lanna wooden houses, coffee plantations, temples, a cookery school and a very special NYE surprise.

We will help you clarify your goals, give you fresh inspiration and intentions to renew, revitalise and heal.

If you would like to join us please secure your place(s) by Friday 15th August by sending an email to [email protected]

We hope you can join us on this is a heroes journey: a retreat of a lifetime!

Please feel free to email us any questions

Here is the facebook page where you can find more info and photos –



We love you! Thanks for reading,

Love, Creativity and Power from us all at Maya Gandaia