Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

Greetings and Grand rising!

So I found my answer to last week’s musings! 

We had the first Goddxx Path Sunday session last week, and the theme is coming back HOME to ourselves and unlearning… and just hours before it opened, it all fell into place with beautiful clarity…

And I realised…

The more empty we are of judgement of ourselves and others, the more we are truly able to tap into the not knowing, and making it up: the realms of creativity, intuition and magic!

Unlearning bias is a spiritual practice because it helps us to drop our ego and connect to our heart ❤️

In the past, I have noticed my ego was present when I lacked understanding/compassion/thought “I KNOW!”.

In this egoic state, I often used to link things to my wounds/be defensive/not want to admit I might be (was!) wrong…

When I was in this state I would often define the world and others as good/bad/right/wrong and bring my own bias and my victim/perpetrator/rescuer behaviours to the table.

But the unlearned person isn’t out to ‘beat’ anyone (except maybe, just maybe themselves?)

By unlearning all of that stuff, by connecting to our soul truth not our conditioned truth, we can drop that false sense of self-righteousness & importance (thinking that we are always right & our problem is the most important etc)…

When we unlearn, we don’t need to be ‘right’ or to look ‘clever’. We seek to know the truth about ourselves (and the world) and to connect to our heart & JOY: to be truly in-no-sense…

Do you agree ? 🤔

Maya Mentions

Each week I also like to extend my Sparks of JOY to someone in my big global family making magic, and this week it has to be PowerUp! podcast guests Akeim Toussaint & Hannabiel Sanders… both share their wisdom on Creativity as a tool for Revolution and both are magical bringers of wisdom (and creativity!)
Check Akeim out HERE and HERE 
And Hannabiel out HERE and HERE