FREE Land Of Plenty Visualisation

The premise is that our Land of Plenty is a space of pure potential where you will see what your heart would truly love outside of conditioning and belief (illusion). 

The meditation will last around 20 minutes and in that time you will connect to everything you are truly here to do: all of your gifts, talents and the things that light you up! Then you will write and write and write until you really feel a sense of completion. At the end of the session, we will not check out, but instead I invite you to go for a walk in nature and take some time for you.

The reason we connect in this specific way is the conditioned ideas of what we think we want are so strong that to truly create in line with our heart, we need to first get out of our own way. 

In this session you will connect to your Land of Plenty and write it all out. Once we are complete, you can create your own set of choices from this.

Upcoming dates:

9th March 2025: 11:11 UK time

16th November 2025: 11:11 UK Time