Intuition training | Embodied Alchemy |  Dream Actualization

A place where joy rises, hearts open, and life takes on its brightest hues.

Let my words find you where you are.

How are you today? 

Today I am celebrating the closing of a singing course by Sam De La Haye which I signed up for because I have a choice (choices are explained in my Journal To JOY and are the basis of my JOY/Alchemy coaching work) to sing for JOY and create albums that inspire and heal.

On the singing course, each week/fortnight we were assigned a homework. Last week’s homework was to create a melody to someone else’s lyrics about their first kiss (our homework from the week before was to write first kiss lyrics)… My creation was far from perfect… but HERE is my messy song to the lyrics of singing course colleague Angela!

I think the most important thing I have learnt/relearnt on this course is the magic of it being messy but done… it has been so awesome to hand in each homework… and they were far from perfect… in fact the first week I created my song driving my van and set to Settle in Yorkshire for a show and recorded whilst walking up a hill trying to find a cheap stereo (as a last resort because the one at the theatre wasn’t working!) 30 minutes before my show… Google maps even interrupted my flow to tell me to turn left on Kirkgate haha! But I did it… I created a song, I recorded it, and I submitted it on time… messy but done… and I continued to submit (each time a little less messy but not perfect), and I am so proud of the progression that happened as a result.

In the olden days (Before my Journey to JOY & Alchemy), I was someone who was reluctant to share anything I was doing (I actively did not share any of it… even my dancing because it was never good enough!)… and sometimes I didn’t even try things (for example singing) because I was too shy/scared…

Now… I would much rather be the WHOLE me… messy but done and showing up, than present the shiny but not fully expanded or expressed version of me… plus the more I share the stuff I think isn’t ‘perfect’, the more I find it is actually the stuff others love… and the more I lean in, the more I improve… and it is so cool to be able to witness that progression and the magic that unfolds when I lean in to what I LOVE but scares me!

So now, rather than spending my time wishing to be better and feeling like I haven’t achieved my potential, but not being able to go for anything it unless it is perfect the first time, I just do the ting, because well… no one else cares! And nor do I! Now I realise there is no better magic than experiencing and witnessing people expressing their truth: me included! 

It is awesome to realise how much I have grown as a singer over the past 9 weeks and I am so excited to be able to invest even more time in it in the upcoming months when I am not also juggling an epic tour!

When we let go of our judgement of ourselves and let go of those voices of authority internalised (eg I need to be perfect)… then we can unleash our inner superhero (our goddxx!)… it is in that state of flow that we can align with our magic. 

Is there something you would love to do but are holding back because it is not perfect yet? 

Then I hope my going for it with my singing inspires you too to create, or go for it!

Where can you let go of perfection in your lives and just be in (messy) truth Ella? What are you experiencing that has similar life lessons?

And can we let ‘them’ (who are they anyway?!) be the judge of ‘that’ and stop deciding how it is going to be before anyone has even seen our magic and just have fun and JOY making it?! I say amen to that!

Meanwhile, in other news, this afternoon we open SACRED on The Goddxx Path with our beautiful Sunday session that combines intuition work with work to balance the sacral chakra including pleasure, rituals for self care, anatomy and pelvic health, boundaries & consent, shadow work, sex magic and more… 

And that also coincides with my moon-cave time (when I go off grid as much as I can to really listen to my inner tuition), and the further upgrading of The SACRED Bowl: my newest evergreen course which offers two twice yearly group hands on (or hands off) meditations and an online course which covers all things sacral chakra & intuition. Sign up at the 1/3 price of £33 for life HERE

Maya Mentions

Each week I also like to extend my Sparks of JOY to someone in my big global family making magic and today it has to be the 15 BA3 graduands (I love this word!) I have been working with at The Place in London. 

Their beautiful show ‘Welcome to our House’ explores different modes of relating, such as co-dependancy, aloofness, controlling… with the goal to all come back HOME to celebrate and hold ourselves as whole and complete exactly as we are. 

It’s been such a joy to create this piece and we are on for four nights very soon: on the 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th July. Get your tickets HERE