Flowing with Life’s Unexpected Currents
“Flow with what is, create from where you are, and watch as the ordinary transforms into something extraordinary”
When life presents you with unexpected challenges, do you fight against the current, or do you flow with it?
This week’s journey has revealed some profound insights for me about the alchemy that unfolds when I choose the latter.
The Paradox of Flow
Being human, my identity loves to categorise and box my experiences as “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong.”
But this binary thinking often blocks humans from receiving the gold that our current reality offers. True transformation begins with acceptance.
That doesn’t mean it is easy, though. This is a delicate balance that requires powerful awareness. Allowing our circumstances to dictate our actions keeps us trapped and stagnating, unable to move forward.
The magic happens when we master the art of acceptance whilst simultaneously creating (despite our circumstances!)
This is where we tap into our greatness (our true level), aligning with one of nature’s fundamental laws: that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transmuted.
Alchemy in Action
This principle came to life vividly during our Creativity Circle: a free, joyful, high-vibe gathering where fellow alchemists came together for the first time this year to finally manifest what we’ve been postponing.
My focus was a task that I felt a lot of resistance to: building the back end of my business (having finished the website upgrades last week)!
I also arranged for some smallish home improvements to happen (as I would be home most of the week) at the same time.
But on day 3, I encountered what many would label a disaster: a plumber drilled through a water pipe, resulting in a collection of seven buckets to catch the water pouring into my home. I felt a lot like a jellyfish at sea in my kitchen!
Several reactions seemed natural:
– Cancel everything else to address the crisis
– Label the plumber as incompetent/bad/wrong
– Resist what was happening by simply turning off the water (and suffering the consequences)
Instead, I chose to flow and weave magic:
1. I educated myself about what happens when pipes are drilled through
2. I maintained light awareness of the situation without becoming consumed by it
3. I followed through with my intuition (the day before this happened!) by asking a colleague (the amazing Amanda) to manage the Creativity Circle the following day
4. I remained focused on my vision to complete the build of the backend of my business despite an early start, lack of shower or running water (we had to turn the water mains off!) and the state of my house
The results were remarkable. Not only were the pipes fixed, but the service was also upgraded at no additional cost. What should have been a three-hour job evolved into a beautiful finish over three days, complete with lovely conversations about Iemanya and Bahia in Brazil (and a notable improvement in my Portuguese).
I completed my task (a day early!) and so began painting a new canvas (jellyfish, naturally) (which I had said would be my prize creation for accomplishing the task I had been putting off).
I even think all this tension transmuted into even more creative alchemy!
The week also gifted me some awesome and unexpected bonuses:
– Deeper insights into other structural issues in the building
– Stronger connections with neighbours
– A self-mastery breakthrough session (which I led with the Creativity Circle on day 3) that helped me create despite it all
– Being able to officially open The Goddxx Path for interview
– Wedding planning progress that was miles apart from the £40,000!!! quote (no thank you!) we’d received the previous month
The Art of Transmutation
The bridge between where we are and where we wish to be isn’t found in resistance; it is found in creation. When we transform energy rather than allowing it to stagnate, we participate in life’s natural alchemy.
What might initially seem like an obstacle often serves as the catalyst needed for our growth and transformation. By accepting what is, while creating despite it, we discover that the divine isn’t separate from our everyday challenges—it is revealed through them.
So my lovely, here is your reminder that your greatest power lies not in controlling your circumstances but in your creative response to them. In this way, even the most mundane moments can become opportunities for divine expression!🌞👑🥰
And here are some of the latest life-dance-alchemy updates for you to join in with:
❣️Okan: We premiere this month!!! Catch us in Leeds, Bournemouth, London (just click on the links)
🪼 A Jellyfish Lovesong is in a beautiful process of metamorphosis
🌈 The Rainbow Butterfly is still touring! Check dates HERE
👑 The Goddxx Path is officially open! And launches on the 16th April
👑 FREE Land Of Plenty Visualisation Session 11:11 UK Time 9th March
👑 SACRED BOWL LAUNCH Q&A & Live (Online) HEALING MEDITATION 15:00 UK Time 23rd March
👑 The Goddxx Path Taster Day 14:00 UK Time 30th March
The Wheel of Consent was a success and I will be holding an in person session soon!
The Creativity Circle will continue with weekly sessions on Fridays at 2-3pm UK time until our next intensive in July
Biggest Loves,
Ella (Maya) xxx