Reading List

Journal To Joy: Maya Gandaia
Me and White Supremacy, Layla Saad
The Adrenal Reset diet, Alan Christiansen
The Kybalion, The three initiates
The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, Peter Levine
Heal Your Body, Louise Hay
The Body Has Its Reasons, Therese Bertherat
The Afrikan Origin of Civilization, Cheikh Anta Diop

Red Moon: Miranda Gray
Pleasure Activism: Adrienne Maree Brown
The Magdalene Manuscript, Judi Sion & Tom Kenyon
Sacred Woman, Queen Afua
Love your Lady Landscape, Lisa Lister
Wild Feminine, Temi Kent

Existential Kink, Carolyn Elliot
Moonology, Yasmin Boland

The Spiritual dimension of the enneagram, Sandra Maítri
No matter what Lisa Nichols
Creating: Robert Fritz
The Games People Play, Eric Berne
Emotions and the Enneagram, Margaret Frongs Keyes
The Creative Habit, Twyla Tharp
Discover Your Greatness, Darren Eden
Principles, Ray Dalio

The gentle art of blessing, Pierre Pradervand
Straight From The Heart, Dr Jewel Pookrum
The Celestine Vision, James Redfield
The Only Thing That Matters, Neale Donald Walsh

Sacred Instruction, Sherri Mitchell
The Art Of Happiness, The Dalai Lama

The awakened woman, Terarai Trent
The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron
The Director’s Draft, Katie Mitchell
The Multi Hyphen Method, Emma Gannon
The Five Languages Of Love, Gary Chapman
Say What You Mean, Oren Jay Sofer & Joseph Goldstein
Non Violent Communication, Melissa Blake

Evolve your mind: Joe Dispenza
The Secrets of Natural Success, William Whitecloud
Brain Wave Meditation, Ichi Lee
The Bhagavad Gita, translated by Juan Mascaró
Spirits Of The Earth, Bobby Lake-Thom
Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself, Joe Dispenza

Dreamspell Astrological Diary: Jyoti Ryder
God & The Evolving Universe, James Redfield
The Kemetic Tree of Life, Muata Ashby
You are a Goddess, Sophie Bashford